Metal Optics Processing

L.A. Gauge’s metal optics polishing capabilities are second to none for prototype and production orders. Using planetary polishing processes and interferometric testing in a controlled environment, our expert opticians achieve superior flatness on a wide variety of geometrical shapes and sizes.

The L.A. Gauge optics laboratory traditionally manufactures metal optic mirrors to demanding flatness tolerances of 1/10 of a wave over a 10-inch diameter face and a surface finish to 20-10.


•Two 48-inch Planetary Polishing Machine & One 36-inch Planetary Polishing Machine

•12” 4D Accufiz Interferometer with 4D Tech Software version 2.8 Rev. A

•4D Technology Software: 4 sight Interferometer and wave front analysis software Ver. 1.8, Rev. 2

•Davidson 5-inch Fizeau Interferometer

•Wyco 2000 Non-Contact Phase Shift Profilometer

•Master Flat, 1/20 Wave, 6-inch, certified

•Davidson Scratch and Dig standard, certified

•Surface Roughness Standard, 4.6 Angstroms, certified

•Davidson MIL-SPC Viewing Fixture, surface quality.